Monthly Archives: September 2019

Ep35: Around the World at Curling Night in America

We take you around the curling world in interviews with Trevor Gau of Triangle Curling Club, Joël Retornaz of Team Italy and J.D. Lind of Team Japan. Find out how Triangle went from curling on hockey ice to their own dedicated facility and the get a taste of the state of the sport in Italy and Japan. Thank you to Trevor, Joël, J.D. and the folks behind the scenes at Curling Night in America, including Terry Davis, Rick Patzke and Price Atkinson for helping make this possible.

Ep34: Team USA Interviews from Curling Night in America

A spoiler-free batch of interviews from the taping of Curling Night in America in Raleigh, including USA Curling CEO Rick Patzke, Cory Christensen and Sarah Anderson of Team Sinclair and John Landsteiner of Team Shuster. Topics include gearing up for the 2019-20 season, mixing in mixed doubles to an already crowded season and the role TV plays in growing the game in America.