Ep47: No Solidarity in Polish Curling

A division in Polish Curling came to a head in February 2020 when the WCF suspended the Polish Curling Association. We look into the reasons likely at the root of the suspension and are joined by Marcin Madej of the Polish Federation of Curling Clubs. Marcin provides insight into the history of curling in Poland, the division between his organization and the PCA and how the sport can move forward in his country.

WCF Statement
Polish Curling Association
Polish Federation of Curling Clubs
Weszlo.com Article
Mazury Curling Festival

Ep46: What do we think of USA Curling’s new CEO?

We start by recapping the many national curling championships that just completed, including Scotland, Switzerland, Japan and the US. We finish off by discussing the recent hire of Jeff Plush as the new CEO of USA Curling, hear from some people who know him better than we do and talk about what his success will look like if you’re a club curler.

Ep45: Rings Around the World 2020

Jonathan and Ryan preview the upcoming championships for the USA, Scotland, Switzerland and Japan (plus we spend about 30 seconds on Sweden). Will any young up-and-coming teams claim titles? Why is it so important that Japan is missing out on this year’s Men’s World Championship? Why doesn’t Jonathan like Tim Horton’s? We attempt to answer these questions and more!

For more on the USA Curling National Championships, check out Ep44 with the 12th End Sports Network’s Joe Calabrese. Click here for a streaming schedule for this month’s curling championships.

2020 Curling Championship Broadcast Schedule

Looking to watch some of the curling championships that are on tap the next couple of weeks? We have you covered. Click here to see a schedule of every available live stream we could find. This includes Canadian provincials and national championships. Look for our big preview of the American, Scottish, Swiss and Japanese championships to drop Monday, Feb. 3.

We will try to keep this spreadsheet updated as championship season rolls on.

Continue reading 2020 Curling Championship Broadcast Schedule

Ep44: Bringing Curling to the Masses w/ Joe Calabrese

Jonathan recaps his recent curling trip to Lativa and we are joined by Joe Calabrese from 12th End Sports Network. Joe tells us about the birth of TESN’s webcasts and how their coverage of USA Curling Nationals has grown in the nine years they’ve been doing them. We also preview what to look for on the ice and on the broadcast at the upcoming championships.

Ep43: Merit Badges

We return from our holiday break to discuss a number of curling topics. We look at curling’s rankings system, why it can be tougher for European teams to earn points, an important facility closure, the difference in how clubs are set up in Europe vs. North America and we get Jonathan’s perspective on Curling Canada’s High Performance Consultant Program.

Ep42: Mexico’s Curling Dream with Adriana Camarena

Adriana Camarena, the skip of Mexico’s women’s team, joins us ahead of Mexico’s trip to the 2020 World Qualification Event in Lohja, Finland. We discuss her start with the San Francisco Bay Area Curling Club, how she became a part of Curling Mexico, her experience at the 2019 World Mixed Doubles Curling Championship & 2019 America’s Challenge and how curling can continue to grow in the Americas Zone. We even have some news about the 2020 WQE field.

Links from this episode:
The Mexico Women’s Team’s GoFundMe Page
Curling Mexico Merchandise
SFBACC’s Dedicated Ice Capital Campaign

Ep41: Surveying Curling’s Growth with Bobby Torres

Bobby Torres from the Curling Club at Penn State joins us to discuss his recent Growth of Curling Survey. It’s a fascinating look at how real curlers feel curling clubs can improve. We talk about learn-to-curl opportunities, marketing to the next generation and the unorthodox ways his club is attracting new members. Also, Jonathan and Ryan settle-up on their bad beer bet with the Game of Stones podcast.

A Thankful Curler

By Mark Steinwachs of Rocket City Curling Club

The world is a heavy place right now. There seems to be little chance to escape some form of negativity on a daily basis. Even the strongest of will can get worn down and places we turn to find a bit of peace can become stressful. 

For those of us in the United States, Thursday is Thanksgiving. A time where we do our best to stop for a moment, be it with family or friends (or both), to put all the crap aside and focus on what is good in our lives. I think it’s time to take a moment and look at all the things that make our sport, frankly, so damn awesome.

Continue reading A Thankful Curler